When two merle -patterned dogs are bred together each puppy in the litter has a 25 chance of inheriting that gene from both parents. The optimal number of litters a bitch can carry is around 3 to 4 litters depending on the number and size of the litter as well as her overall health and.
Even if one dog isnt exactly a tri the only way for a puppy to be Merle is to have a Merle.
Can you breed 2 merle dogs. When two merle -patterned dogs are bred together each puppy in the litter has a 25 chance of inheriting that gene from both parents. The resulting offspring is referred to as a double or homozygous merle. Due to the decreased pigment on the skin double merles are at a high risk for hearing and sight impairments.
How Many Times Can You Breed A Female Dog. Unlike their male pals female dogs can t be bred that much. The optimal number of litters a bitch can carry is around 3 to 4 litters depending on the number and size of the litter as well as her overall health and.
Not everyone knows the risks of breeding two merles together. Ideally anyone selling a merle puppy should explain to the new owner the risks associated with breeding merle to merle especially if that person already has a merle dog of the opposite sex to the puppy. Male dogs can begin breeding between 6 to 12 months of age.
Female dogs should be bred later than males at least after their first heat cycle. Responsible breeders wait for the bitch to be at least 18 months to breed her. It doesnt matter what color merle or what breed they are.
If two merle dogs are bred together each puppy in the litter has a 25 chance of being born a double merle. A double merle inherits the merle gene twice. One copy of the merle gene causes a marbling effect on the coat and creates lighter spots throughout the solid color coat.
In a double merle the marblinglightening effect is doubled and the. Any two merle dogs should never be breed together. If youre worried about potentially breeding two merle dogs together there is genetic testing that you can do to verify whether or not your dog has a merle gene.
If youre looking for a genetic test for your dog youll want to look if the M allele of the PMEL gene is present. This is also called the M Locus test. If youre buying a merle dog you.
Merles are popular so it seems only logical to breed two merles together to get more merles. The merle pattern is produced when a dog. The reason you should only breed Merles to tri colours is so that they will always have one tri gene because thats all one parent has making them either a tri or a Merle depending on what gene they receive from the other parent.
Merle to Merle will give puppies a 14 chance of receiving Merle genes from both parents making them a double Merle. Even if one dog isnt exactly a tri the only way for a puppy to be Merle is to have a Merle. Merles should never be bred together as serious issues may arise.
These double merle pups have a high rate of deafness and eye problems. Spotting a merle isnt always easy either. There are so-called cryptic merles in the gene pool making genetic testing a must before breeding.
While being stunning you should never breed two Merle dogs together. Double Merle Problem in Dogs. Double merle dogs are at a greater risk of health problems than single merles.
Not every double merle dog will face these issues but a significant amount of them do which makes the deliberate breeding of these dogs unethical. It doesnt matter what color merle or what breed they are. If two merle dogs are bred together each puppy in the litter has a 25 chance of being born a double merle.
A double merle inherits the merle gene twice. One copy of the merle gene causes a marbling effect on the coat and creates lighter spots throughout the solid color coat. Double Merle pups are born when both of the parents are merle.
It doesnt matter what color merle how much merle the parents have how little or how much white trim what breed they are or even that the parents are the same breed. Statistically 25 of the pups from two merle parents will be Double Merles. So there is a huge danger that when you breed two merle gene dogs together an amount of the offspring might be double merles and those might have some of the health issues named above.
But merle dogs dont have to be taken out of a breeding program. This fact you cannot deny. ANYONE who intentionally breeds merle dogs together ANY BREED is just a STUPID HEARTLESS asshole.
I have 2 Deaf double-merle Aussies and love them to death which is what they were headed for when I rescued them from shelters who were going to KILL them because of their disablities. Why take the chance and either have to KILL puppies that dont. You can draw the Merle trait out and keep dogs healthy by only breeding a Merle to a non Merle.
Breeding two together will create puppies with health issues. Inhumane breeders that dont care about the quality of their dogs or bloodlines and only care about the money could try to breed 2 Merles together to get more per litter which they think will make them more money. The truth is non Merles sell for almost just as much anyway if you.
IE you can breed merles only to tricolors or tricolors with brindle points I have a few photos of various brindle merle Cardis on one of my backup drives somewhere. Its less of an issue in Cardis than in collies sable is also a red-based color because while brindle IS the most common color in Cardis it doesnt dominate numerically the way sable does in collies. Cait who has three.
As you can see from these two Dachshunds sable and recessive red can hide merle very well. Both dogs look like red piebalds however the split face marking seen on both is strongly associated with double merle patterns as are the blue eyes and indeed both are double merles. The first photo was submitted by Dee Allison and the others by.