Yes though there are no guarantees that a tortoise will survive a dog bite and the more serious the bite the more difficult it may be. Of course they interact with other tortoises to mate but keeping multiple Russian Tortoises can lead to problems.
They usually come together for breeding purposes but live most of their lives alone.
Can dogs and tortoise live together. In addition large turtles and tortoises can actually harm your dog regardless of size of your dog. Small dogs however could be killed by a large turtle or tortoise. Since it is difficult to teach the turtle to live with the dog in these situations it is best to.
Dogs and tortoises dont belong together. There are many stories on the web about turtlestortoises that were suddenly bit by dogs even though the animals had been together for years without problem. Tortoises should have their own space preferrably outdoors.
In the wild tortoises live relatively solitary lives. They usually come together for breeding purposes but live most of their lives alone. Female tortoises may guard their nests but they do not protect or raise their babies.
That means even very young tortoises naturally live on their own. If you have the climate and the room for outdoor reptile enclosures you can put compatible species together in large spaces. Bearded dragons can share space with tortoises as they do in Wisconsins Lincoln Park Zoo.
Hedgehogs and tortoises should never live together in the same enclosure as their housing requirements and needs differ tremendously. They can however live in the same home and come into contact with each other as long as strict and sensible rules are. While in theory you SHOULD be able to house say an iguana a boa and a red-foot tort together you will have issues of things eating other animals wastes managing the food so everyone gets what they need in the way they need it dealing with the daily wear and tear the animals.
Ive seen some people surprised by the small number of animals who can share a habitat - I think they are interpreting enriched by as the same as can live with. Everyone is probably working out now that there are loads of animals that will tolerate each other but knowing who you might be able to stick together is all a bit hit and miss. Red Foot tortoises and Pancake Tortoises for example live in colonies and will occupy the same living space or burrow in the wild.
Thats not to say that such species dont fight but theyre probably better suited to settling their differences quickly so that they can coexist in peace. Two males can live together but they do require some supervision. Tortoises are solitary territorial animals.
Keeping a group of females together doesnt usually cause problems. Two males are a bit more troublesome. The truth is.
Except for a few species like redfoot torts aldabras or pancake torts most tortoises are loners in the wild. They roam several acres and only occasionally encounter other tortoises. If a tortoise encounters another they will fight mate or both.
Then they wander apart again or one is chased away by the other. Yes though there are no guarantees that a tortoise will survive a dog bite and the more serious the bite the more difficult it may be. Much of your pets chances depend on the actions that you take after discovering the bite.
So keep an eye out and create the right environment for your pets. Multiple tortoises of the same species can happily be kept together As mentioned above keeping more than one tortoise of precisely the same species does not in theory carry any risk of cross contamination of infection provided of course that neither is harboring an infection that does affect the. Rabbits AND Tortoises Prefer Not To Share.
Tortoises dont like to share their space with anything or anyone. They dont even like to hang around their own children and once they hatch in the wild mom will quickly high tail it never to be seen again. So they become quite attached to the space that they do have.
Weve written before about keeping tortoises alongside other animals. In particular cats and dogs. Accounts on this vary but the general consensus is that it can work so long as said cats and dogs dont take exception to the tortoise.
Its important to mention however that tortoises should not roam free alongside such animals inside the home. Like other terrestrial tortoises Russian Tortoises are solitary. Of course they interact with other tortoises to mate but keeping multiple Russian Tortoises can lead to problems.
Theyll probably be territorial in general not because of mating especially if theyre in a small terrarium. Can multiple tortoises live together. Tortoises tend to be solitary by nature but keeping two tortoises together in one enclosure should be fine provided you stick to the gender rules and monitor them regularly during their first few weeks together.
Ideally you should keep two tortoises together only if they are both females.